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Digital Communications and Training
Digital Communications and Training
Furner Communications

“Kathryn has worked with Furner Communications for over 10 years, primarily as a digital marketing expert.

She helps across a wide range of areas including social media management, data analysis, website management and running training workshops.

Kathryn is one of those people who just gets on with stuff and has a broad enough skill set that she can turn her hand to anything – a definite plus for a busy agency. She’s diplomatic yet direct, creative yet pragmatic and totally trustworthy when it comes to handling sensitive material.

Whether she’s running communications and social media training courses, managing the Twitter account for the 5-year DRILL programme or facilitating at monthly Health Foundation panel meetings, I know my company is in safe hands.

She is definitely my go-to person, if I’m looking for marketing support, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone sensible enough to hire her.”

Ben Furner, Furner Communications

Blog writing/SEO services
Blog writing/SEO services
Chimes Accountancy Services

“I was first introduced to Kathryn back in 2016. She has been an invaluable resource for my business.

I couldn’t see how an accountant could produce an interesting monthly blog as it is often such a dry subject, however Kathryn has an amazing way with words and manages to get a message across in an easy to read and interesting manner.

In the beginning, she sat down with me to understand who I am and what types of message I wanted to put out to clients and prospective clients. She really seems to understand me and be on the same wavelength as me.

Kathryn has become an invaluable addition to my business.”

Marina Legge, Chimes Accountancy Services

Check out the blogs.

SEO services/Blog writing
SEO services/Blog writing
Mark Shipperley Films

Problem: Mark wanted to improve both the quality and quantity of traffic to his website, but wasn’t sure where to start.

Insight: The first step was a keyword analysis to identify the words which people use to search for wedding videography services. These were then used as a basis for the new website copy, which focused on the benefits of Mark’s services rather than its features.

Monthly blogs are written to help Mark’s business stand out in a competitive marketplace and to also ensure his website continues to rank well.

“As a busy filmmaker, finding the time to write blog posts and content can be time consuming and difficult, with Kathryn on board to help has been invaluable. Kathryn always produces researched, relevant and well written content for my business” Mark Shipperley Filmmaker.

View the monthly blogs.

Marketing services
Marketing services
Wayne Twitchen Osteopath

“I chose Coppercat Solutions to help with, and steer my (previously) relatively ad hoc, and unfocused marketing campaigns.

Kathryn soon brought about change, and most certainly galvanised my efforts into a coherent and professional strategy for my business.

To her credit Kathryn listens, absorbs and acts. She is both approachable and affable. And, should you need statistics and monthly reports with regard to your campaign activities, you will not be disappointed. Similarly, in my case her strength has been her ability to be scalable yet happy to take on the smallest of tasks should the need arise.

I can testify that Kathryn is my first call when ongoing marketing is needed, and I do not think she will disappoint in current and future commissions.”

Wayne Twitchen Osteopathy

Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy
Reset Your Health

Problem: As a brand new start-up, Reset Your Health had a great product and website but wasn’t sure about the best ways to drive traffic to the website and convert them into customers.

Insight:  Gaining a thorough understanding of the business and its long-term objectives was the first step in producing a comprehensive marketing strategy. The strategy combined a mixture of offline and online activity, which was reviewed after three and then six months to establish which tactics were the most successful for achieving RYH’s long-term goals. The strategy was then adjusted to reflect these findings.

Other marketing support provided includes social media management, website management, providing training courses on SEO and blog writing to interns, writing applications for investment and ‘tarting up’ presentations!


Social Media Management
Social Media Management

Problem: A local design agency wanted to raise their profile on social media and to generate new leads, but they simply didn’t have the time or resources.

Insight: After carrying out a thorough social media audit, a social media strategy was put in place for their four core social media channels – LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Regular meetings identify any content to be shared and a series of posts are the approved and scheduled across all the platforms each week. Other appropriate content is shared, commented on and liked.

Two pieces of thought leadership are also written each month, which help drive traffic back to the website.

View the thought leadership.

Website Services
Website Services

Problem: Launching a new business, especially in the competitive field of personal training, can be daunting and it can be difficult to know what marketing activity to undertake.

Insight: We suggested creating a website to showcase all of DextersFitness’s services. As the client didn’t have any decent images, we set up a photoshoot of a personal training session as good images are a great way of creating credibility and generating interest.

Working closely with DextersFitness on the photoshoot and also on the content and structure of the website allowed us to get a real sense of what makes the business different from other personal training services. This helped us write copy which was both informative and engaging and would also keep the search engines happy!

We also provided social media advice, and wrote a few blogs to help with search engine optimisation.

View DextersFitness website.


Whether you need a corporate event captured, a striking portrait of your pet or some product photography, we do it all.

Over the years we’ve worked for a wide number of clients, including charities, retailers and individuals and love nothing more than capturing that one moment that simply says it all.

If you have a photographic project in mind, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

A Friendly Ear
A Friendly Ear
Support and Advice

Okay, not so much a marketing service, but if you run a small business sometimes you want to thrash out ideas with an independent someone who you know has your best interests at heart. It could be you’re not sure whether to hire another member of staff, aren’t convinced that you really want to be on social media, or just need a chat about the direction your business is taking.

Having been through it ourselves, we know how lonely it can feel running a small business, so we are always happy to have a bit of a chat. And if cake is involved, even better!